DAM Auditing

Working with dozens of content producers require to continuously check the quality of your DAM content. Auditing the content of your Digital Asset Management platform is made simple by Veriflies.

Which are the formats available into the DAM ?

Which assets are too small ?

Which assets are too heavy ?

Which assets have empty metadata ?

Which metadata is not compliant with the lexicon ?

Which product images are too small into their frame ?

DAM Auditing

Main features

DAM Audit by Veriflies is the most efficient way to define the Governance rules for your DAM maintenance.

Create requests to select the assets to be audited

Your can create any number of requests needed to audit some aprts of your DAM assets.

Choose the technical control that you need

Your assets will be controlled depending upon the technical controls which are available into Veriflies : size, dimension, color space, etc. Even content controls can be used for the audit.

Choose the audit frequency

Each audit can be launched independently. You can choose to often check critical set of assets or to launch on a monthly base a general audit over all your DAM content.

Easy Customization

Each audit definition is very simple. It can be fully customized to your own requirements.

Full reporting

You get a full reporting in Veriflies for each asset controlled that allows you to take corrective actions required.

See audit result into your DAM

A summary of the audit result is uploaded into your DAM in dedicated metadata. You can search and find not compli8ant assets directly from your DAM and if you want more details, just click on the available hyperlink.

And don’t forget : Veriflies is already connected to your preferred DAM.

DAM audit will save you a lot of time. Do you want to see how it will do that ?